2021 Awards & Recognitions 33 AOTA Roster of Fellows Diversity Champion and Occupational Therapy Change Agent Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L Exceptional Leadership in School-Based Practice Julie Bissell, OTD, OTR/L, ATP Servant Leader in Service, Education, and Scholarship Jessica J. Bolduc, DrOT, MS, OTR/L Exemplary Advocacy, Teaching, Mentorship, and Scholarship Ann Chapleau, DHS, OTR/L Exemplary Leadership Through Service, Teaching, Advocacy, Mentorship Megan Elizabeth Edwards Collins, PhD, OTR/L, CAPS, CFP Active Professional Contribution, Authentic Mentorship, Academic Enthusiasm Elizabeth A. Fain, EdD, MLD, CDT, OTR/L Unifying our Profession Through Advocacy, Leadership, Education Becky Finni, DHS, OTR/L, RAC-CT Change Leader of Professional Advocacy and Inclusion Victoria Garcia Wilburn, DHSc, OTR, CLT Leading Innovation, Excellence, and Scholarship in Education Amanda K. Giles, OTD, OTR/L Innovative Interdisciplinary Science Advancing Motor Performance Skills Simone V. Gill, PhD, OTR/L Fierce Advocate: OT Services, Policies, and Practice Karen J. Hefler, OT, OTR Ethical Leadership: Innovative Practitioner, Educator, and Researcher Brenda S. Howard, DHSc, OTR Bold Servant Leader and Occupational Therapy Advocate Heather J. Kitching, MA, OTD, OTR/L Promoting Wellness and Leadership Through Meaningful Involvement Cynthia Lau, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, C/NDT Servant Leader, Dedicated Educator, and Passionate Mentor Diane Long, EdD, MOTR/L Bold Leadership, Unwavering Advocacy of Occupational Therapy Denise M. Miller, MBA, OTR/ L Scholar, Mentor, Community Advocate, and Educator Claire M. Mulry, OTD, OTR/L, CAPS Exemplary Leadership: Early Childhood and Interprofessional Education Christine Myers, PhD, OTR/L Dedication and Extraodinary Leadership in Occupational Therapy Sarah Nielsen, PhD, OTR/L Occupational Justice Through Action, Research, Education, Practice Janet Njelesani, PhD, OTR/L Outstanding Impact Through Leadership, Mentorship, and Education Bridgett Piernik-Yoder, PhD, OTR Leadership, Advocacy, and Women’s Health Occupational Therapy Mara Podvey, PhD, OTR, PMH-C Consummate Practitioner-Scholar, Tenacious Advocate, Empowering Mentor Sharon A. Ray, ScD, OTR/L Vision-Inspired Thought Leadership in Environmental Modifications Carolyn Sithong, MS, OTR/L, SCEM, CAPS Consistent and Sustained Contributions to the Profession Jeanne Sowers, OTD, MA, OTR An Indefatigably Zealous Advocate for OT Pam Stephenson, OTD, OTR/L Committed Leader Expanding Occupational Therapy’s Impact Lisa A. Test, OTD, OTR/L Breaking Global Silence Addressing Sexuality and Intimacy Beth Ann Walker, PhD, MS, OTR, QIDP
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