2021 Awards & Recognitions 22 AOTA Award of Merit Ben Atchison, PhD, OTRL, FAOTA Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship and Innovative Programs Dr. Ben Atchison, Professor and Chair Emeritus of Occu- pational Therapy at Western Michigan University, has established a rich legacy over four decades as an edu- cator, clinician, scholar, and innovator of interprofessional programs. As co-founder of the Southwest Michigan Chil- dren’s Trauma Assessment Center, his leadership resulted in implementation of a nationally acclaimed program for trauma-exposed children. Since 1999, significant grant funding enabled services for more than 5,000 children, professional development training for thousands of professionals, and intensive fieldwork education for more than 400 clinical interns. In addition to a model for trauma assessment, a trauma-responsive school-based program was implemented and shared with teams across the country. Dr. Atchison is also co-founder of the Sammons Center for Innovation and Research, founding member of the Brain Research and Interprofessional Neuroscience Lab, and Managing Editor of the Open Journal of Occupational Therapy. He was appointed to the Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Educa- tion (ACOTE®) Council elected Chairperson of the AOTA Physical Disabilities Special Interest Section and served in many national, state, and local organizations. Dr. Atchison’s expertise has been shared through many publications, including Conditions in Occupational Therapy (6th Ed.), which he co-edited, and through inter- national and national presentations advocating for the role of occupational therapy in child trauma. Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Award Kristie Patten, PhD, OT/L, FAOTA New York University New York, New York Strength-Based and Client-Directed Occupational Therapy Practice Dr. Kristie Patten is Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at NYU Steinhardt, and Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy. Dr. Patten’s research focuses on utilizing a strength-based paradigm, in partnership with stakeholders, to understand the impact of these issues on quality of life and well-being with a focus on interventions in inclusive settings. Dr. Patten is the Principal Investi- gator (PI) of the NYU Steinhardt’s ASD Nest Program, an inclusive program for children and adolescents with autism in the New York City Department of Education, the largest inclusion program in the country, grounded in strength-based practices. She is co-PI of a National Sci- ence Foundation (NSF) grant entitled, “Developing Abilities and Knowledge for Careers in Design and Engineering for Students on the Autism Spectrum by Scaling Up Making Experiences.” This is an expansion of an earlier NSF grant entitled, “IDEAS: Inventing, Designing, and Engineering on the Autism Spectrum.” These projects leverage the strengths and interests of 5th through 12th grade students on the spectrum to develop social competence and potential career pathways. Dr. Patten has published and presented nationally and internationally on topics related to examin- ing the efficacy of public school interventions and viewing autism from a strength-based or abilities-based model. Lindy Boggs Award Alyson Stover, MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Fierce Advocacy Leading to Far-Reaching Change Dr. Alyson Stover is an Assistant Professor in the Depart- ment of Occupational Therapy. Dr. Stover obtained her juris doctorate in law with a post-graduate certificate in health law from the University of Pittsburgh. Her areas of practice expertise include pediatrics, trauma-informed occupational therapy, and holistic approaches to substance use disorder, and she holds AOTA Board Certification in Pediatrics. She owns a private, outpatient pediatric practice in rural western Pennsylvania, and she co-founded a nonprofit organization that uses occupation to address community, societal, and population needs. Dr. Stover’s interests include using occu- pational therapy as a powerful driving force for larger health care change, advancing occupational therapy’s national and global relevance, and occupational therapy’s role in leading policy development and implementation. Dr. Stover has transformed the way occupational therapy is recog- nized and valued as a solution to community and societal challenges in her work with elected and appointed officials. She is a zealous advocate for the occupational therapy profession, fostering access and advancing the profession. Integrating her legal training with master clinical skills, Dr. Stover has developed a uniquely multimodal and individual- ized approach to advocacy that has led to policy changes at the state and national levels.
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