Each year, AOTA and AOTF recognize and honor colleagues who have made
significant contributions to the profession of occupational therapy. Each
organization’s respective committee is responsible for reviewing nominations and
making final selections from each of the outstanding candidates. This tradition is
a source of pride within the profession. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to
increase public awareness and focus attention on the contributions of individuals,
and of the profession as a whole.
Table of Contents
2020 AOTA & AOTF Awards & Recognitions
- Contents C-II2
- AOTA Award of Merit 24
- Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Award 24
- Lindy Boggs Award 35
- Award for Excellence in the Advancement of OT 35
- AOTA Roster of Fellows 46
- AOTA Roster of Honor 46
- Recognition of Achievement Award 68
- Outstanding Mentor Award 68
- Gary Kielhofner Emerging Leader 68
- Emerging & Innovative Practice Award 79
- International Service Award 810
- Interprofessional Collaboration Award 1113
- Cordelia Myers AJOT Best Article Award 1214
- Jeanette Bair Writer’s Award 1214
- SIS Quarterly Excellence in Writing Award 1315
- Choosing Wisely® Champion Recognition Award 1416
- AOTA/AOTF Presidents’ Commendation in Honor of Wilma L. West 1517
- AOTF Leadership Service Commendation 1618
- AOTF Meritorious Service Award 1618
- AOTF Fred Sammons Volunteer Recognition Award 1618
- AOTF A. Jean Ayres Award 1719
- Virginia Scardina Research Award of Excellence 1719
- AOTF Early Career Research Excellence Award 1820
- AOTF Mid-Career Research Excellence Award 1820
- AOTF Academy of Research 1820
- 2020 AOTA Retired Educators Award 1921
- 2020 AOTA Service Commendations 1921
- Description of Awards 3234
- Awards and Recognitions Offered by the American Occupational Therapy Foundation 3638