Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Children and Youth With Challenges in Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing provides an overview of the occupational therapy process, defining the occupational therapy domain and process and interventions that occur within the boundaries of acceptable practice and making recommendations for some specific methods of care. Based on systematic reviews conducted by content experts, AOTA’s Evidence-Based Practice tools and resources provide members with comprehensive information to
- Guide and inform clinical decision making;
- Share with clients who want to participate in the clinical decision-making process;
- Discuss the distinct value of occupational therapy interventions with external audiences, such as regulatory agencies, third-party payers, referral sources, and program managers;
- Stimulate academic and continuing education, in-service programs, or journal clubs; and
- Guide the development of clinical research projects.
Table of Contents
Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Children and Youth With Challenges in Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing (Adoption Review)
- Front Matter 11
- 1. Overview of Children and Youth With Challengesin Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing 122
- 2. Best Practices and Summaries of Evidence 526
- 3. Interventions Using Ayres Sensory Integration® 728
- 4. Interventions That Address Specific Sensory Techniques and Sensory Environmental Modifications 930
- 5. Interventions That Provide Education or Coaching of Parents or Teachers 1132
- 6. Cognitive and Occupation-Based Interventions 1334
- 7. Recommendations and Implications of the Evidence for Occupational Therapy Practice, Education, and Research 1536
- References 2142
- Appendix A. Preparation and Qualifications of Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants A154
- Appendix B. Domain and Process of Occupational Therapy B156
- Appendix C. Occupational Therapy Process for Children and Youth With Challenges in Sensory Integration and Processing C160
- Appendix D. Sample ICD–10–CM Codes for Occupational Therapy Evaluations and Interventions for Children and Youth With Challenges in Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing D180
- Appendix E. Selected CPT® Codes for Children and Youth With Challenges in Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing E182
- Appendix F. Evidence-Based Practice F188
- Appendix G. Evidence Tables and Risk-of-Bias Tables G194